What is yoga therapy?
Yoga therapy is the professional application of the principles and practices of yoga to promote health and well-being within a therapeutic relationship that includes, personalised assessment, goal setting, lifestyle management and yoga practices for individuals or small groups.
International Association of Yoga Therapists
Common Reasons for seeking yoga therapy
Healthy Ageing
Balance and fall
Mental Health
Low mood
Illness support
Heart Disease
Chronic Pain
Back Pain
Mindful Yoga Therapy
Yoga therapy is the adaptation of yoga for people with health problems.Yoga therapists are qualified yoga teachers with further training in medicine and applications of yoga to medical conditions.
The aim of yoga therapy is to restore balance, strength and vitality at a physical mental and emotional level or to help manage the illness.
A one-to one consultation will review the condition and associated lifestyle factors. Sessions may incorporate movement, breathing, mindful awareness, diet and lifestyle.
A short programe is provided so that you can begin to practice and benefit straight away.
Critical research trials show that yoga therapy practices are among the most effective known methods for managing the psychosomatic, stress-related conditions, which are so common today. This is because they bridge the gap between body and mind, ranging across the whole spectrum from physical to mental.
NACC Directory of complementary practitioners for NHS
What to expect...
You will be sent a health questionnaire to complete by email or we can do this over the phone if you aren't keen on technology!
The initial appointment will be 1.5 hours to allow time for the consultation and practice. Follow up sessions are 1 hour.
You will be given a practice sheet to follow at home.
You can also do an audio recording of the practice on your phone or I can send a recording so that you also have this to remind you.
Initial appointment:
1.5 hours £90
Follow up:
1hour £65